Faculty Public Notices

This page lists all live faculty applications that have been submitted to the Online Faculty System for processing since 2nd November 2021 under the Faculty Rules of the Constitution of the Church in Wales. They will remain visible until the Diocesan Chancellor has determined them.

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Installation of fire detection and alarm system & electrical works

2021-006362 | Bangor | Cathedral: St Deiniol, Bangor | 04/06/21

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Alterations to improve accessibility, create flexible multi-use spaces for congregational and commun...

2022-007083 | Bangor | St Benedict, Gyffin | 01/10/21

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Replacement of Window

2023-008838 | Bangor | St Rhychwyn, Llanrhychwyn | 15/04/23

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Small repair to exterior pointing, east gable. Exploratory trials adjacent to exterior north wall t...

2023-009540 | Bangor | St Celynin Old Parish Church, Henryd | 07/01/24

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Resolve water ingress in belltower through installation of gale-breakers

2024-009844 | Bangor | St Tegai, Llandegai | 21/05/24

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St. Beuno’s ‘Ezra Priority A: High Level Roof and Masonry Repairs’.

2024-010046 | Bangor | St Beuno, Clynnog Fawr | 02/08/24

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Proposed Development of A New Heating System and Associated Building Works

2024-010060 | Llandaff | St Andrew, St Andrew's Major | 03/08/24

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Repairs to the gate piers of the churchyard gate

2024-010058 | Llandaff | St Thomas, Neath | 02/08/24

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It is requested that the church be made redundant - high costs of necessary maintenance and repairs,...

2023-009499 | Llandaff | St Ilan, Eglwysilan | 18/02/24

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Repair works to main tower, refurbishment of complete set of bells including replacement of bell fra...

2024-009708 | Llandaff | Ss Illtyd Gwynno and Dyfodwg, Llantrisant | 31/05/24

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